Title: A sore loser seeks revenge Pairing: Siwan/Luhan Genre: Crack, Romance Rating: PG-13 Summary: Luhan does not like to lose. Siwan gets to finds out just how much.
food for the heart kevin/siwan fluff ; pg-13 written for seoulfulness originally here kevin tries to get to siwan's heart by inviting him over for dinner
you've got a friend taehun/kevin, kevin/hyungshik angst ; pg-13 onesided feels written for the prompt, "being there for someone who's head over heels in love for someone else" at seoulfulness taehun hopes he will eventually open his eyes
Title: Days Upon The Ocean Author: staypainted Rating: PG-13 Word Count: 8016 Summary: Siwan has no idea what he's doing here. Warnings: blood, violence Disclaimer: I own nothing
Title: Thirteenth Step Fandom: Children of Empire (ZE:A) Genre: General Pairings: Minwoo/Junyoung Rating: PG-13 Summary: Minwoo, Junyoung, and a rocket launch on TV. Wordcount: 1020. Disclaimer: Originally written for theirblinggirl in the kpopvalentines 2012 run.
MY ENEMY ZE:A ff, AU Siwan/Kwanghee, hints at Siwan, Kwanghee/Junyoung, Kevin/Hyungsik (later) PG-13, 1096 words (for this part) Gang wars have always been fascinating.
MY ENEMY ZE:A ff, AU Siwan/Kwanghee, hints at Siwan, Kwanghee/Junyoung, Kevin/Hyungsik (later) PG-13, 1093 words (for this part) Gang wars have always been fascinating.
Title: The Highway Wore Eyeliner Author: staypainted Pairing: Siwan/Kwanghee Rating: PG-13 Word Count: 5201 Summary: Siwan's fourth season driving is by far the most eventful.
Title: The thing about persuading Author: singthistunes Pairing: Kwanghee/Siwan Rating: PG-13 Summary: The thing about persuading is that the result can be quite unexpected.